"There are three things that cannot remain hidden. The Sun. The Moon. The Truth."... Lord Buddha.
Gold membership giveaway.
Gold membership giveaway.

Gold membership giveaway.

Development for buddhistsfortruth.info is on ice!

Allow me to explain…

Two years ago I started the Buddhist Secure Project. Ambitious and probably foolhardy! Nevertheless the goals were set.

One Goal was to move off third party sites such as WordPress, Telegram, YouTube, Bitchute etc to create our own platforms. Similar to Gab and others.

Buddhistsfortruth.info is currently running on WordPress. I would like to change this. To create a custom built site with data protection and privacy.

Time is limited. Energy is limited.

You may be aware I created Buddhist.cafe. Buddhist.cafe has been moved off WordPress and is now a custom built site. I wll be focusing all my efforts on completing buddhist.cafe (hopefully) by November this year.

Buddhistsfortruth.info will be on hold until then. Kindly consider joining buddhist.cafe to stay connected with our community.

The Free membership is generous. Gold membership has more features.

In light of this disruption, 20 (twenty) Gold 12 month memberships will be given away to Buddhist for Truth members:

  • Register on https://buddhist.cafe.
  • Leave a comment on BfT Gold Membership giveaway with ”I love BfT!’
  •  Offer ends 31st August 2024.

Thank you for your patience.

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